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Holiday Assignment

Day 5

Good Morning Boys,
Today You will note down Your Holiday H.w.


  • Defination of pollution
  • Sources of pollution- oxides of various elements.
  • Sink of Pollutants.
  • Green House Effect
  • Acid Rain
  • Impact of Acid RAin on TajMAhal
  • Photochemical smog.
  • Ozone Hole
  • Biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand.
  • strategies to control Environmental Pollution
  • Green chemistry.

project need to be submitted after the summer vacation in a project file using A4sheet paper.
you can use your own creative ideas to cover the topic listed. The content listed above can be represented by poster . Each content must be covered. you can refer to the last unit on Environmental chemistry of class 11  syllabus.

Task 2 : Chemistry Holiday Assignment
The Following Work Need to be Done In Chemistry Register during the summer Break. The Following Assignment would Help You to Revise the Concept learned.

25 may -29 may

Q.1 What is the mass of 3 gram atoms of calcium?
Q2 -Calculate the mass of CaCO3 which is required to react with 25 ml of 0.75 M HCl.
Q3 - During preparation of ammonia by Haber’s process 30 L of H2 and 30 L of N2 are mixed. The yield of NH3was 50%. Find the composition of gaseous mixtures.
Q4 -Potassium bromide (KBr) contains 32.9% potassium by mass. If 6.40 g of Br2 is made to react with 3.60 g of potassium, find the actual mass of potassium which reacts with bromine.
Directions for Q. No.  i- v
A If both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
B If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false.
D If both Assertion and Reason are false statements.
i). Assertion : A solution of table salt in a glass of water is homogeneous
Reason : A solution having same composition throughout is
ii). Assertion : The molecular weight of oxygen is 32 amu.
Reason : The atomic weight of oxygen is 16 amu
iii). Assertion : No of moles of H2 in 0.224 L of hydrogen is 0.01 mole.
Reason : 22.4 L of H2 at STP contain 6.023 × 1023 moles.
iv). Assertion : Atomic mass of Na is 23.
Reason : An atom of sodium is 23 times heavier than 1/12th mass of C-12 isotope.
v). Assertion : Number of atoms of He in 60 u of He is 15.
Reason : Atomic weight of He is 4 u.

1june -5 june

Q.1 A solution is prepared by dissolving 5.85g of NaCl in 90g of H2O. Find mole fraction of NaCl and H2O.
 Q2 - Find the molarity of solution prepared by dissolving 7.1g of Na2SO4 in 100ml of aqueous solution.
Q.3 - Empirical formula of an organic compound is C2H3O2. Its molecular weight is 118. Write its molecular formula.
Q.4. Which of these solutions have same molar concentration?
a) 49g H2SO 4 per litre of solution
b) 49g H3 PO 4 per litre of solution
Q5. Calculate number of atoms in (i) 0.25 mole atoms of carbon (ii) 0.20 mole molecules of oxygen.
Q6. Calculate
 (a) Mass of 2.5g atoms of magnesium. (At mass of Mg = 24u)
(b) Mass of 0.72 gram molecules of CO2 (at mass of C=12u , O = 16u)
Q7. Calculate number of moles in 1.6g of S (Atomic mass of S=32u)
Q8. Calculate the mass of 1 molecule of N2. (Given : Atomic mass of N=14u)
Q9. How many moles of gold are present in 49.25g of gold rod? (atomic mass of gold=197u)
Q.10  A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10% (w/w). The density of the solution is 1.20 g mL-1 . Calculate 
(i) Molality
 (ii) Molarity, 
 (iii) Mole fraction of each component in solution.

8june -12 june

1 .Calculate the weight of carbon monoxide having same number of oxygen atoms as are present in
88g of carbon dioxide.
2.    What is the mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6](At mass of Fe=56u, K=39u C=12u,N=14u, H=1u)
3.     Hemoglobin contains 0.25%iron by mass. The molecular mass of hemoglobin is 89600. Calculate the number of iron atoms per molecule of hemoglobin.(atomic mass of Fe=56u)
4 .  What volume of oxygen at S.T.P is needed to cause the complete combustion of 200mL of C2H2?Also calculate the volume of carbon dioxide formed?
5. A compound contains 42.3913% K, 15.2173% Fe, 19.5652% C and 22.8260%N. The molecular
mass of the compound is 368u. Find the molecular formula of the compound. (Given At mass of K=39u, Fe=56u, C=12u, N=14u)
6.  How many moles of Nitrogen are needed to produce 8.2 moles of Ammonia by reaction
with Hydrogen?
7. Zinc and HCl react according to the following reaction: Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
If 0.8 mol of Zn is added to HCl containing 0.62 mol of HCl, how many moles of hydrogen
are produced? What is the limiting reagent?
8. Calculate molarity of a solution containing 13.8g of potassium carbonate (molar mass
=138g/mol) dissolved in 500ml of solution.
9. Calculate the molarity and molality of 93% H2SO4 (weight/volume). The density of the
solution is 1.84 g/cc.
10.   An organic compound on analysis gave the following percentage composition: C = 57.8%, H = 3.6% and the rest is oxygen. The vapour density of the compound was found to be 83. Find out the molecular formula of the compound.

15june -19 june

Structure of Atom :
Q1. The pair of ions having same electronic configuration is
(a) Cr3+ and Fe3+ (b) Fe3+ and Mn2+
(b) Fe3+ and Ni2+ (d) Sc3+ and Cr3+

Q2. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom?

(a) n=4, l=0, m=0, s =+1⁄2 (b) n=3, l = 0, m= 0, s= +1⁄2
( c) n= 3, l=1, m=1, s= +1⁄2 (d) n=3, l= 2, m=1, s = +1⁄2

Q3. A photon of wavelength 4 X 10^-7m strikes on a metal surface, the work function of the metal
being 2.1 eV. Calculate the energy of the photon, kinetic energy of the emission and the
velocity of the photoelectron. (1eV= 1.6 X 10^-19 J)
Q4. Calculate the frequency and energy associated with violet light of wavelength 400 nm.
Q5. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 240 nm is just sufficient to ionize the sodium atom.
Calculate the ionization energy of sodium in KJ/mol. [495 KJ/mol]
Q6. Calculate the wave number for the shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of
atomic hydrogen.
Q7. What is the wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes
transition from n=4 to n=2?
Q.8  a) What will be the maximum number of electrons for orbital with n = 5?
b) Calculate the maximum number of electrons for orbital with l = 3.

22june -26 june


Q1. The quantized energy of electron in hydrogen atom for the nth energy level is given by En = -1.312/n2 x 106 J/mol.  Calculate the minimum energy required to remove the electron completely from hydrogen atom when its quantized energy level n equals 2. What should be the wavelength of light that can be used to cause this transition? ( h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js, C=3x108 m/s).
Q2. Calculate the wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of 2 X 107 m/s
Q3. A moving electron has 2.275 x10-25 joules of kinetic energy. What is the de Broglie
Q4. If the electron is to be located within 5x10^-5 A0, what will be the uncertainty in its velocity?
Q5  Write down the electronic configuration of: Si(14), Cr (24), Cu(29), Xe (54)
Q6. Write the electronic configuration of Cu+, Ca2+, Ni2+, Cr 3+. Also indicate the no. of unpaired
electrons present in each case.
Q7. Write the designation for orbital with the following quantum numbers:
a) n = 4; l = 1 b) n = 2; l = 0 c) n = 5; l = 2
Q8 Calculate the total number of radial and angular nodes for 5d and 4p orbitals. Also Determine the values of n, l and m for these orbitals

Thats All For THe day
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